Conference 2019
Celebrating 20 Years of FreeREG & FreeCEN
Saturday 28th September 2019
King's Manor, University of York, Exhibition Square, YO1 7EP

2019 marks the 20 year celebration of FreeREG and FreeCEN.
Footage of the day can be viewed below, and also on our YouTube channel. If you prefer to listen to the videos as podcasts, you can paste the URL of the YouTube video into Podsync, a free video-to-podcast converter website.
In the first part of the meeting, FreeREG executive member Eric Dickens gave a presentation on FreeREG: Today & Tomorrow.
You can see Eric's slides here:
Part two saw Oliver Duke-Williams of the Department of Information Studies, UCL answer the question of 'What Can We Do With Millions of [FreeCEN] Records?', and Pat Reynolds, Free UK Genealogy's Executive Director gave Brenda Bowers' presentation on The History of FreeCEN.
Watch the Conference
Part One: 12:00 - 12:50
Part Two: 13:50 - 14:50